How To Initiate Sex: How 21 Women Initiate Sex

Are you curious about how to take the lead in the bedroom? These 21 women spill their secrets to initiating intimacy, and their tips are sure to heat things up. From playful teasing to seductive whispers, these ladies know how to set the mood and make their partners feel desired. If you're ready to up your game, check out their advice at Success in Dating and get ready to take charge in the bedroom.

When it comes to initiating sex, many women may feel unsure or hesitant about how to go about it. The traditional idea that men are the ones who always make the first move can be intimidating for some women. However, times are changing, and more and more women are taking the lead when it comes to initiating intimacy with their partners.

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In a recent survey conducted by, 21 women shared their experiences and strategies for initiating sex with their partners. From subtle hints to bold moves, these women revealed a variety of ways they have successfully initiated sex in their relationships.

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Subtle Cues and Non-Verbal Communication

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Many women in the survey mentioned that they often use subtle cues and non-verbal communication to initiate sex with their partners. For example, one woman mentioned that she likes to make prolonged eye contact with her partner and give him a playful smile to let him know that she's in the mood. Another woman mentioned that she likes to initiate sex by initiating physical touch, such as cuddling or holding hands, to signal her desire for intimacy.

Setting the Mood

Creating a romantic and intimate atmosphere is another popular strategy among the women in the survey. Many women mentioned that they like to set the mood by lighting candles, playing soft music, and creating a comfortable and inviting space for intimacy. One woman shared that she likes to surprise her partner by preparing a romantic dinner and setting the stage for a night of passion.

Direct Communication

Some women in the survey mentioned that they prefer to take a more direct approach when it comes to initiating sex. These women expressed that they feel comfortable and confident in expressing their desires and initiating sex through open communication with their partners. One woman shared that she likes to simply ask her partner if he's in the mood for some alone time together, while another woman mentioned that she enjoys sending her partner flirty text messages throughout the day to build anticipation.

Spontaneous Initiations

Spontaneity also plays a significant role in how some women initiate sex with their partners. Many women in the survey mentioned that they enjoy surprising their partners with spontaneous acts of intimacy. From initiating sex in unexpected places to initiating sex at unexpected times, these women revealed that spontaneity adds an element of excitement and novelty to their intimate moments with their partners.

Being Playful and Flirtatious

Playful and flirtatious behavior was another common theme among the women in the survey. Many women mentioned that they like to initiate sex by being playful and flirty with their partners. From teasing and tickling to engaging in a playful game of seduction, these women revealed that being lighthearted and playful can be an effective way to initiate sex and create a fun and enjoyable experience for both partners.

Taking the Lead

Lastly, some women in the survey expressed that they enjoy taking the lead and being the initiator of sex in their relationships. These women shared that they feel empowered and confident in taking charge of their sexual desires and initiating intimacy with their partners. One woman mentioned that she likes to take the lead by initiating foreplay and initiating physical touch to signal her desire for sex, while another woman shared that she enjoys being the one to make the first move and take her partner by surprise.

In conclusion, there are many different ways that women initiate sex with their partners, and it's important to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Whether it's through subtle cues and non-verbal communication, setting the mood, direct communication, spontaneity, playful and flirtatious behavior, or taking the lead, each woman has her own unique way of initiating sex with her partner. By being attuned to their own desires and the needs of their partners, women can find the best approach that works for them and their relationships.